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      Neopress® Crystal 25kg

      Neopress® Crystal 25kg

      Crystalline penetrate waterproofing mortar

      Neopress® Crystal is a brushable, cementitious crystalline material, suitable for insulating and waterproofing of concrete. It is Ideal for water tanks, wells, silos, underground rooms and basements, tunnels, walls, as well as surfaces to be covered with tiles.

      Price: 63.00lv.

      Cementitious waterproofing Revinex Flex FP A+B 32kg

      Revinex Flex FP A+B 32kg

      Cementitious waterproofing

      2-Component waterproofing solution containing penetrating crystallization additives that seal the concrete and prevent the penetration of water for swimming pools, retaining walls, foundations, underground structures, tanks, baths, wells, tunnels, etc. and surfaces.

      Price: 76.00lv.

      Cementitious waterproofing Revinex Flex System A 25kg

      Revinex Flex System A 25kg

      Cementitious waterproofing

      1-Component waterproofing solution containing penetrating crystallization additives that seal the concrete and prevent the penetration of water for swimming pools, retaining walls, foundations, underground structures, tanks, baths, wells, tunnels, etc. and surfaces.

      Price: 47.00lv.
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